Medezeggenschap in internationale context
Acting as a works Council

De economie globaliseert in hoog tempo. Nederlandse bedrijven komen in buitenlandse handen. Of internationale organisaties vestigen zich in ons land. Dit heeft ook gevolgen voor de medezeggenschap. Je zult als OR steeds vaker opereren in een internationale context. De trainingen van Loof sluiten hierbij aan. Van Engelstalige trainingen tot het verkennen van de (on)mogelijkheden van medezeggenschap in internationale context. Click here for English

medezeggenschap in multinationals
Wat betekent het voor de rol en positie van de OR wanneer steeds meer besluiten in het buitenland worden genomen? Samen met een van onze trainers ontdek je wat de (on)mogelijkheden zijn van medezeggenschap in een internationale context. We staan stil bij de juridische kaders en je doet kennis op van internationale OR jurisprudentie. Met behulp van diverse tools en cases krijg je inzicht hoe jullie je als OR het meest effectief kunnen opstellen.

the works councils act
Get to know the most important rights and obligations of the Works Councils Act. Or refresh your knowledge. We can also zoom in on a number of specific themes that you encounter in which you wish to further develop yourself. In a refreshing and interactive way you get to know the most important legal rules of employee participation. The emphasis is not so much on what you are entitled to from a legal standpoint, but above all, how you strategically implement the tools that the law provides you with.

trainingen in het Engels
Speciaal voor teams met een internationale samenstelling, bieden wij onze maatwerk trainingen ook aan in het Engels.

online trainen met Loof
Indien wenselijk verzorgen we jullie maatwerk training online. We zetten diverse interactieve tools en werkvormen in (zowel online als offline). We zorgen voor voldoende onderbreking en ‘weg-van-het-scherm’ momenten. De ervaring leert dat op deze manier online trainen een volwaardig alternatief is voor een training op locatie. Met Loof is online trainen niet alleen efficiënt maar ook leuk en leerzaam! Lees hier meer over onze online trainingen.
Employee participation in an international context
What does it mean for the role and position of the Works Council when more and more decisions are taken abroad? Together with one of our trainers you will discover the (im)possibilities of participation in an international context. We take into consideration the legal frameworks and you gain knowledge on international Works Council jurisprudence. With the help of various tools and cases you gain insight into how you can be most effective, as a Works Council. Klik hier voor Nederlands

participation within multinationals
What does it mean for the role and position of the Works Council when more and more decisions are taken abroad? Together with one of our trainers you will discover the (im)possibilities of participation in an international context. We take into consideration the legal frameworks and you gain knowledge of international Works Council jurisprudence. With the help of various tools and cases you gain insight into how you can be most effective, as a Works Council.

the works councils act
Get to know the most important rights and obligations of the Works Councils Act. Or refresh your knowledge. We can also zoom in on a number of specific themes that you encounter in which you wish to further develop yourself. In a refreshing and interactive way you get to know the most important legal rules of employee participation. The emphasis is not so much on what you are entitled to from a legal standpoint, but above all, how you strategically implement the tools that the law provides you with.

training in English
Especially for teams with an international composition, we also offer our tailor-made training courses in English.

online training with Loof
We can provide your tailor-made training online. We use various interactive tools and working methods (both online and offline). We provide sufficient breaks and ‘away-from-the-screen’ moments. Experience shows that training online in this way is a full-fledged alternative to on-site training. With Loof, online training is not only efficient but also fun and educational!
We would be happy to get in touch with you
Curious about what Loof can do for your Works Council? Schedule a free appointment with one of the Loof trainers now. We are curious about your specific Works Council situation and are happy to think along with you about a suitable training for your particular needs. After a conversation with (part of) the Works Council, we make a non-binding offer for a tailor-made training for your Works Council.